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  • Publish Date: Posted over 1 year ago

What happens if you have been in the same company for a long time (let's say >10 years) and start looking for a new job? There is a danger that someone viewing your CV assumes you may be "institutionalised" in your current role and may struggle to adapt to a new environment. Even if this isn't true, it is an assumption that people often make.

So...what can you do about this on your CV? After all, more than 10 years in a role isn't a bad thing!

The reality is that moving jobs every 3-4 years is quite standard in the life science industries. Therefore, the best advice we can provide is to break the block of 10+ years on your CV down into smaller chunks.

Even if your job title is the same now as it was when you first started in your company, can you split your career timeline into different phases?

- Perhaps there was a time when the team was smaller?
- Perhaps there was a period of time when you stepped into a training or supervisory role?
- Perhaps you had a secondment at some point?

Certainly, if you have had any promotions within the same company it is a good idea to list each of the job titles (and dates), to show that you haven't stayed stagnant in one role.

For further tips on how to portray yourself in your CV, please get in touch!